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There are 797 entries in this list of Sonoran Desert plants.You may limit the list to plants that have specific characteristics by using the Plant Identificaton Form.
List plants by family name:
- The Family Name is a link to a page in one of the Felger, R, and Sue Rutman, et.al, publications containing information and a relatively accessible genus identification key for that family.
- Acanthaceae (chuparosa, acanthus, desert honeysuckle family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Anisacanthus thurberi - Thurber's Desert Honeysuckle, Chuparosa, Desert honeysuckle *
- Justicia californica - Chuparossa, Desert Hummingbird-bush, wipisimal *
- Carlowrightia arizonica - Arizona Wrightwort, Lemilla
- Justicia candicans - Jacobinia, Chuparossa *
- Justicia longii - Longflower Tube-tongue *
- Ruellia nudiflora - Violet Ruellia
- Dicliptera resupinata - Fold-wing, alfalfilla *
- Adoxaceae (adoxa, elderberry family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Sambucus cerulea - Blue Elderberry, tapiro
- Aizoaceae (aizoon, iceplant family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Mesembryanthemum crystallinum - Crystal Iceplant *
- Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum - Slender-leaf Iceplant *
- Trianthema portulacastrum - Horse-purslane, verdolaga de cochi
- Amaranthaceae (amaranth, pigweed, saltbush family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Amaranthus fimbriatus - Fringed pigweed, Bledo, Quelitillo, Fringed Amaranth *
- Amaranthus palmeri - Careless weed, Pigweed, quelite de las aguas *
- Tidestromia lanuginosa ssp. Eliassoniana - Woolly Honeysweet, Hierba ceniza, hierba lanuda *
- Atriplex canescens - Four-wing saltbush, chamizo cenizo *
- Atriplex polycarpa - Desert saltbush, Allscale Saltbush, chamiso cenizo *
- Atriplex elegans - Wheel-scale orach, chamiso cenizo
- Chenopodiastrum murale (Linnaeus) S. Fuentes, Uotilla & Borsch - Netleaf goosefoot, chual, choal
- Monolepis nuttalliana - Poverty weed, patata
- Salsola tragus - Russian thistle, tumbleweed, chamizo volador *
- Suaeda nigra - Desert seepweed, quelite salado, Bush Seepweed *
- Atriplex linearis - Narrow-leaf saltbush *
- Atriplex pacifica - Pacific orach, South Coast Saltscale *
- Atriplex lentiformis - Quail Bush, Lens Scale, Big Saltbush, chamizo grande *
- Amaranthus albus - Tumbleweed Amaranth *
- Amaranthus crassipes - Spreading Amaranth *
- Amaranthus x tucsonensis - Tucson Amaranth *
- Bassia hyssopifolia - Smother Weed
- Chenopodium watsonii - Watson's Goosefoot *
- Gomphrena sonorae - Sonoran Globe Amaranth
- Nitrophylla occidentalis - Alkali Weed *
- Atriplex hymenelytra - Desert Holly *
- Chenopodium pratericola - Narrowleaf Goosefoot
- Atriplex confertifolia (Torrey & Fremont) S.Watson - Four-wing saltbush, chamizo cenizo
- Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis, onion family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Allium macropetalum - Desert Onion, cebollin *
- Habranthus longifolius (Hemsley) Flagg, G.Lom, Smith & Meerow - Plains Rain-lily
- Anacardiaceae (cashew, sumac family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Rhus kearneyi subsp. kearneyi - Desert sumac, limita del desierto *
- Rhus aromatica v. trilobata - Skunkbush sumac, limita *
- Apiaceae (carrot, biscuit-root, bowlesia family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Bowlesia incana - Hairy bowlesia *
- Daucus pusillus - Wild carrot, Zanahoria silvestre *
- Eryngium nasturtiifolium - Eryngium, hierba del sapo *
- Spermolepis echinata - Bristly scale-seed
- Lomatium nevadense - Biscuit-root *
- Yabea microcarpa - False Carrot *
- Apocynaceae (dogbane, milkweed family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Asclepias subulata - Desert Reed-stem Milkweed, Rush Milkweed, jumete, mata candelilla *
- Funastrum hartwegii - Climbing milkweed, guirote *
- Asclepias albicans - White-stem milkweed, jumate, candelilla *
- Asclepias erosa - Giant sand-milkweed, Hierba del Cuervo
- Matelea parvifolia - Angle pod, Spearleaf *
- Asclepias linaria - pine-needle milkweed, Narrow-leaf Milkweed *
- Asclepias nyctaginifolia - Mojave Milkweed *
- Haplophyton cimicidum - Cockroach Plant, hierba de la cucharocha *
- Matelea cordifolia - Heart-leaf Milkweed Vine
- Metastelma arizonicum - Arizona Swallow-wort, Arizona Climbing Milkweed *
- Pilostyles thurberi A.Gray - Stemsucker *
- Arecaceae (palm family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Washingtonia filifera - California Fan Palm *
- Aristolochiaceae (pipevine, Dutchman's pipe, birthwort family) This PHP file is 0.982
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Aristolochia watsonii - Pipevine, Indian-root, Dutchman's pipe, hierba del indio, zapatito *
- Asparagaceae (asparagus, yucca, agave, beargrass, lily, desert hyacinth, family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Agave schottii - Amolillo, Shin Dagger *
- Triteleiopsis palmeri - Blue Sand-lily *
- Hesperocallis undulata - Ajo Lily, Desert Lily, ajo silvestre *
- Agave deserti ssp.simplex - Desert Agave, mezcal, lechuguilla *
- Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. pauciflorum - Blue Dicks, Wild Hyacinth, coberia, cobena, ajo blanco *
- Nolina microcarpa - Beargrass, sacahuiste, Basket Grass *
- Nolina bigelovii - Desert Tree-beargrass *
- Yucca baccata v.brevifolia - Banana Yucca, datil *
- Agave deserti ssp.deserti - Desert agave, Mezcal *
- Yucca shidigera - Mojave Yucca, datillo *
- Agave x ajoensis - Ajo Mountain Agave
- Yucca elata -
- Asteraceae (composite, sunflower, daisy, aster, bursage, dandelion, zinnia, thistle family) This PHP file is 30.2
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Baccharis sarothroides - Desert Broom, escoba amarga, romerillo *
- Bebbia juncea var. aspera - Sweetbush, Chuckwalla Delight *
- Chaenactis stevioides - Desert pincushion *
- Encelia frutescens - Button Brittlebush, Green Brittlebush, Rayless Encelia, Button Encelia *
- Eriophyllum lanosum - White Easter Bonnets, Woolly Daisy (alternate leaves) *
- Geraea canescens - Dune Sunflower, Desert Sunflower, Desert Gold *
- Hymenoxys odorata - Bitterweed *
- Monoptilon bellioides - Mojave Desert Star *
- Palafoxia arida v.arida - Spanish Needles *
- Pectis papposa var. papposa - Desert Chinchweed, manzanilla del coyote *
- Perityle emoryi - Desert Rock Daisy *
- Peucephyllum schottii - Desert Fir, Pygmy-cedar, romero del desierto *
- Psathyrotes ramosissima - Desert Velvet, Turtleback *
- Rafinesquia neomexicana - Desert Chicory *
- Trixis californica v.californica - Trixis, California Threefold *
- Bahiopsis parishii - Parish's Goldeneye, ariosa *
- Ambrosia deltoidea - Triangle-leaf Bur-sage, chamizo forrajero *
- Ambrosia dumosa - White Bur-sage, chamizo *
- Adenophyllum porophylloides - Adenophyllum, Dogweed *
- Ambrosia ambrosioides - Canyon ragweed, Giant Bur-sage *
- Ambrosia ilicifolia - Holly-leaf Bur-sage *
- Brickellia coulteri A. Gray var. coulteri - Triangle-leaf Brickellbush, pachaba *
- Encelia farinosa - Brittlebush, incienso, hierba del bazo, rama blanca *
- Ambrosia salsola var. pentalepis - White burrobrush, Cheesebush *
- Psilostrophe cooperi - Paper-flower, Paper-daisy *
- Baileya multiradiata - Many-flowered Desert-marigold (simple leaves) *
- Acourtia wrightii - Brown-foot *
- Ambrosia confertiflora - Slim-leaf Ragweed, Estafiate, Slim-leaf Bur-sage *
- Baccharis brachyphylla - Hairy baccharis, Short-leaf Baccharis *
- Baileya pleniradiata - Woolly desert-marigold, tecomblate (simple leaves) *
- Brickellia atractyloides var. atractyloides - Leather-leaved Brickellia, Spiny-leaf Brickellbush *
- Calycoseris wrightii - White Tack-stem *
- Chaenactis carphoclinia v. carphoclinia - Pebble pincushion *
- Erigeron lobatus - Desert Fleabane *
- Logfia arizonica - Arizona Fluffweed *
- Logfia filaginoides - California Fluffweed *
- Gaillardia arizonica - Arizona Blanket-Flower *
- Gutierrezia arizonica - Arizona Snakeweed *
- Gutierrezia sarothrae - Broom Snakeweed, Ruby Matchweed, hierba de la vibora *
- Gymnosperma glutinosum - Gumhead *
- Helianthus niveus ssp.tephrodes - Dune Sunflower, mirasol de las dunas *
- Ambrosia monogyra - Slender burrobrush, jecota *
- Hymenothrix wislizeni - Yellow Thimblehead *
- Isocoma acradenia var. acradenia - Alkali Goldenbush *
- Malacothrix fendleri - Fendler's Desert-dandelion *
- Ambrosia cordifolia - Heart-leaf Bur-sage *
- Leucosyris arizonica (B.L.Turner & D.B.Horne) Pruski & R.L. Hartmann - Psilactis, Arid Tansy-aster *
- Pleurocoronis pluriseta - Arrow-leaf, canutillo *
- Porophyllum gracile - odora, hierba del venado, Slender Poreleaf *
- Prenanthella exigua - Brightwhite *
- Rafinesquia californica - California Chicory *
- Senecio lemmonii - Lemmon Groundsel *
- Senecio mohavensis - Mojave Groundsel, Mohave Ragwort *
- Stephanomeria pauciflora - Desert-straw, Desert Wire-lettuce *
- Stephanomeria schottii - Schott's Wire-lettuce *
- Stylocline micropoides - Desert Nest-straw *
- Thymophylla concinna - manzanilla del coyote, Dogweed *
- Thymophylla pentachaeta v.belenidium - Common dogweed, Five-needle Prickly-leaf *
- Trichoptilium incisum - Yellow-head, Yellowdome *
- Uropappus lindleyi - Silverpuffs *
- Zinnia acerosa - Desert Zinnia, zinia del desierto *
- Malacothrix glabrata - Smooth Desert-dandelion *
- Xanthisma spinulosum v.gooddingii - Spiny Goldenweed, *
- Chaenactis fremontii - Fremont's pincushion, morning bride *
- Ericameria laricifolia - Turpentine Bush *
- Baccharis salicifolia - Seep willow, batamote *
- Pluchea odorata v. odorata - Saltmarsh-fleabane, Alkali Camphor-weed *
- Sonchus asper ssp. asper - Prickly Sow Thistle, chinita *
- Sonchus oleraceus - Common Sow Thistle, chinita *
- Eriophyllum pringlei - Woolly-daisy *
- Xanthisma gracile (Nuttall) D.R.Morgan & R.L.Hartmann - Yellow Spiny Daisy, Slender Goldenweed *
- Atrichoseris platyphylla - Parachute plant, gravel ghost, tobacco weed *
- Leucosyris carnosa (A.Gray) Greene - Alkali Aster *
- Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus v. sphaerocephalus - Goldenhead
- Acourtia nana - Desert Holly *
- Ageratina paupercula - Santa Rita Snakeroot
- Artemisia dracunculus - Tarragon, estragon *
- Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. Albula - Western Mugweed, White Sage, Silver Wormwood, estafiate *
- Brickellia californica - California Brickellbush
- Brickellia frutescens - Shrubby Brickellbush *
- Carthamus tinctorius - Safflower, cartamo
- Centaurea melitensis - Malta Star Thistle *
- Cirsium neomexicanum - New Mexico Thistle, cardo *
- Diaperia verna v. verna - Spring Pygmy Cudweed, Rabbit Tobacco *
- Dieteria asteroides v. glandulosa - Fall Tansy-aster *
- Eclipta prostrata - False Daisy, chile de agua, hierba del tajo
- Encelia farinosa x E. frutescens - Brittlebush Rayless Encelia hybrid
- Ericameria cuneata v. spathulata - Wedgeleaf Goldenbush *
- Erigeron canadensis - Horseweed, cola de caballo *
- Gamochaeta stagnalis - Desert Cudweed, Rosy Everlasting
- Helianthus annuus - Sunflower, mirasol
- Koanophyllon palmeri - Umbrella Thoroughwort *
- Lactuca serriola - Prickly Lettuce, Compass Plant *
- Laennecia coulteri - Coulter's Horseweed
- Logfia depressa - Dwarf Fluffweed *
- Machaeranthera tagetina - Mesa Tansyaster *
- Malacothrix sonorae - Sonoran Desert Dandelion
- Oncosiphon piluliferum - Pineapple-weed, False Chamomile, manzanilla
- Packera quercetorum - Oak Creek Ragwort *
- Parthenice mollis - Annual Monsterwort *
- Pectis cylindrica - Sonoran Chinchweed *
- Pectis linifolia v.linifolia - romero macho
- Perityle ajoensis - Ajo Rock Daisy *
- Pleurocoronis laphamioides - Pleurocoronis *
- Pluchea sericea (Nuttall) Coville - Arrow-weed *
- Pseudognaphalium canescens - Wright's Cudweed *
- Senecio flaccidus v.monoensis - Sandwash Groundsel, Threadleaf Ragwort
- Stephanomeria exigua ssp. Exigua - Wire-lettuce *
- Stylocline gnaphaloides - Everlasting Nestraw
- Townsendia annua - Annual Townsend Daisy *
- Verbesina encelioides - Golden Crownbeard
- Baileya pauciradiata - Few-flowered Desert Marigold
- Dicoria canescens A. Gray subsp. canescens - Bugseed
- Dieteria canescens Pursh.(Nutt.) - Hoar False Tansy-aster *
- Berberidaceae (barberry, Oregon-grape family This PHP file is 5.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Berberis harrisoniana - Kofa Mountain Barberry *
- Berberis haematocarpa - Red Barberry *
- Bignoniaceae (bignonia, desert-willow family) This PHP file is 5.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Chilopsis linearis ssp. Arcuata - Desert-willow, mimbre *
- Boraginaceae (borage, phacelia, cryptantha, comb-bur, fiddleneck, crinklemats family) This PHP file is 5.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Amsinckia intermedia - Fiddleneck, Devil's Lettuce, cetkom *
- Tiquilia palmeri - Coldenia, Crinklemats, Palmer's Crinklemat
- Nama demissum v.demissum - Purple Mat *
- Phacelia distans - Blue-eyed Scorpion-weed, Fernleaf Phacelia *
- Phacelia crenulata v.ambigua - Scorpionweed, Desert Heliotrope *
- Johnstonella angustifolia Torrey) Hasenstab & M.G.Simpson - Panamint Cat's Eye, Popcorn Flower, Narrow-leaf Cryptantha, Desert Cryptantha *
- Eucrypta micrantha - peluda, Dainty desert-hideseed
- Nama hispidum v.spathulatum - Bristly Nama, morada, Sandbells
- Phacelia neglecta - Brittle Phacelia, Alkali Phacelia *
- Amsinckia tessellata v.tessellata - Checker Fiddleneck, Desert Fiddleneck, cetkom *
- Cryptantha barbigera - Bearded Cryptantha *
- Cryptantha ganderi - Dune Cryptantha *
- Johnstonella holoptera (A.Gray) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson - Winged Cryptantha
- Cryptantha maritima - White-haired cryptantha
- Eremocarya micrantha (Torrey) Greene ssp. micrantha - Dwarf Cryptantha
- Cryptantha pterocarya var. cycloptera - Wing-nut Cryptantha *
- Heliotropium curassavicum - Alkali Heliotrope, hierba del sapo
- Lappula occidentalis var. stricta (S.Watson) S.J.Rolfsmeier - Crowned Stickseed *
- Pectocarya heterocarpa - Mixed-nut Comb-bur
- Pectocarya platycarpa - Broad-winged Comb-bur
- Tiquilia canescens - Wooly Crinklemat, oreja del perro *
- Pectocarya recurvata - Arched Comb-bur *
- Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia v.bipinnatifida - Chrysanthemum-leaved Hideseed, Spotted Hideseed *
- Pholistoma auritum var. arizonicum - Arizona Fiesta-flower, Blue Fiesta-flower *
- Harpagonella palmeri - Palmer's Grappling-hook
- Phacelia affinis - Limestone Phacelia
- Phacelia coerulea - Sky-blue Phacelia
- Phacelia pedicellata - Pedicellate Phacelia *
- Phacelia ramosissima - Branching Phacelia
- Phacelia rotundifolia - Roundleaf Phacelia
- Johnstonella racemosa (S.Watson ex A.Gray) Brand - Bushy Cryptantha
- Plagiobothrys arizonicus - Arizona Popcorn-flower
- Plagiobothrys jonesii - Mojave Popcorn Flower
- Tiquilia plicata - Fanleaf Crinklemat
- Phacelia bombycina - Mangas Spring Phacelia
- Pectocarya anisocarpa Veno -
- Johnstonella costata (Brandegee) Hasenstab & M.G. Simpson - Ribbed cryptantha
- Brassicaceae (mustard family) This PHP file is 5.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Streptanthus carinatus subsp.arizonicus - Arizona Jewel Flower *
- Dimorphocarpa pinnatifida - Dune Spectacle-pod *
- Brassica tournefortii - Sahara Mustard, Wild Turnip, mostaza *
- Streptanthus lasiophyllus (Hooker & Arnott) Hoover - Cutleaf Thelypodium, California Mustard *
- Descurainia pinnata - Western Tansy Mustard, pamita *
- Dithyrea californica - California Spectacle-pod *
- Tomostima cuneifolia (Nuttall ex Torrey & A.Gray) Al-Shehbaz, M.Koch & Jordon-Thaden - Wedgeleaf Draba *
- Lepidium lasiocarpum ssp.lasiocarpum - Sand Pepper-weed, lentejilla *
- Physaria tenella - Desert Bladderpod *
- Sisymbrium irio - London Rocket, pamiton *
- Streptanthella longirostris - Long-beak Twist-flower *
- Thysanocarpus curvipes - Lacepod *
- Lyrocarpa coulteri - Lyre-pod, *
- Boechera perennans - Perennial Rockcress
- Brassica nigra - Black Mustard, mostasa negra
- Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd's Purse, hierba del pastor
- Eruca vesicaria ssp.sativa - Arugala, Garden-rocket, Salad-rocket
- Erysimum capitatum - Western Wallflower
- Hesperidanthus linearifolius - Purple Rock-mustard
- Lepidium thurberi - Arizona Pepper-weed
- Matthiola longipetala - Night-scented Stock
- Nasturtium officinale - Watercress, berro
- Sibara angelorum - Angled Rockcress
- Planodes virginicum (Linnaeus) Greene - Winged Rockcress
- Sisymbrium altissimum - Tumble Mustard, Jim Hill Mustard
- Sisymbrium orientale - Indian Hedge-mustard
- Thelypodium wrightii - Wright's Thelypody *
- Thlaspi arvense - Fanweed
- Brassica kaber ((de Candolle) L.C.Wheeler -
- Lepidium oblongum Small -
- Brassica arvensis -
- Burseraceae (elephant tree family) This PHP file is 5.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Bursera microphylla - Elephant Tree *
- Cactaceae (cactus family) This PHP file is 13.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Carnegia gigantea - Saguaro, Sahuaro, Giant Cactus *
- Echinocereus engelmannii (Parry ex Engelmann) Lemaire v. engelmannii - Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus, pitayita *
- Mammillaria grahamii ssp.grahamii - Arizona Fishhook Cactus, Pincushion Cactus, cabeza de viejo *
- Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa - Buckhorn Cholla *
- Opuntia basilaris v.basilaris - Beavertail Cactus *
- Cylindropuntia bigelovii - Teddybear Cholla, choya guera *
- Cylindropuntia arbuscula - Pencil Cholla *
- Opuntia engelmannii var. engelmannii - Desert Prickly Pear *
- Cylindropuntia versicolor - Staghorn Cholla *
- Sclerocactus johnsonii (Parry ex Engelmann) N.P.Taylor - Acuna Cactus *
- Echinocactus polycephalus Englemann & J.M.Bigelow - Cottontop Cactus, Many-headed Barrel Cactus, Cannonball Cactus, biznaga *
- Echinocereus nicholii - Golden Hedgehog Cactus, Golden Spine Hedgehog Cactus *
- Ferocactus cylindraceus - Mountain Barrel Cactus, Desert Barrel Cactus, biznaga *
- Ferocactus emoryi - Emory's Barrel Cactus, Coville Barrel Cactus, biznaga *
- Lophocereus schottii v.schottii - Senita Cactus, sinita *
- Mammillaria tetrancistra - Corkseed Fishhook Cactus *
- Opuntia chlorotica - Pancake Prickly-pear, nopal rastrero *
- Cylindropuntia echinocarpa - Silver Cholla *
- Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mammillata - Spineless Chain-fruit Cholla *
- Grusonia kunzei Rose) Pinkava - Desert-club Cholla, Devil Cholla *
- Cylindropuntia leptocaulis - Desert Christmas Cholla, tasajillo *
- Cylindropuntia ramosissima - Diamond Cholla *
- Cylindropuntia spinosior - Cane Cholla *
- Peniocereus greggii v. transmontanus - Cereus, reina de la noche, Desert Night-blooming Cereus, sarramatraca *
- Stenocereus thurberi - Organ Pipe Cactus, pitaya, pitaya dulce *
- Peniocereus striatus - sacamtraca, sarramatraca *
- Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida - Chain-fruit Cholla, choya *
- Ferocactus wislizeni - Fishhook Barrel Cactus, Arizona Barrel Cactus, Compass Barrel Cactus, biznaga *
- Opuntia engelmannii var.flavispina - Yellow-spine Prickly Pear, nopal *
- Mammillaria thornberi - Thornber Fishhook Cactus, cabeza de viejo
- Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa v.coloradensis - Buckhorn Cholla
- Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa v.major - Buckhorn Cholla
- Cylindropuntia fulgida - Chain-fruit Cholla, choya
- Opuntia engelmannii - Engelmann Prickly pear
- Opuntia engelmannii v.linguiformis - Cow-tongue Prickly Pear
- Opuntia phaeacantha - Brown-spine Prickly-pear, nopal
- Opuntia santa-rita - Purple Prickly-pear
- Echinocereus coccineus Engelmann ssp. santaritensis (W.Blum & Rutow) M.A.Baker - Claret-cup Cactus
- Grusonia wrightiana (E.M.Baxter) E.M.Baxter, Calif. Cactaceae 58, 1935 - Parish Club-cholla
- Mammillaria viridiflora - Green-flower Nipple Cactus, Green-flower Mammillaria
- Mammillaria dioica K.Brandegee - Strawberry cactus *
- Campanulaceae (bellflower family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Nemacladus orientalis - Threadstem, Red-tip Thread Plant *
- Triodanis biflora - Small Venus Looking-glass
- Cannabaceae (hemp, hop, hackberry family This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Celtis pallida - Desert Hackberry, garambullo *
- Celtis reticulata - Netleaf Hackberry *
- Capparaceae (caper family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Atamisquea emarginata - palo hediondo *
- Caryophyllaceae (pink, chickweed family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Achyronychia cooperi - Onyxflower, Sand-mat, Frost-mat *
- Drymaria viscosa - Sticky Drymary *
- Loeflingia squarrosa - Spreading Pygmy-leaf *
- Silene antirrhina - Sleepy Catchfly *
- Cerastium texanum - Mouse-ear Chickweed *
- Herniaria hirsuta v. cinerea - Burstwort *
- Cleomaceae (cleome family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Wislizenia refracta ssp. Refracta - Jackass-clover *
- Polanisia dodecandra ssp. Trachysperma - Western Clammyweed *
- Commelinaceae (spiderwort family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Commelina erecta - White-mouth Dayflower *
- Convolvulaceae (morning glory, dodder family) This PHP file is 2
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ipomoea hederacea - Morning-glory, Ivy-leaf Morning-glory, trompillo morado *
- Cuscuta umbellata v. umbellata - Flat-globe Dodder, Dodder *
- Cuscuta californica v. californica - Chaparral Dodder, California Dodder, fideo *
- Cuscuta legitima - Dodder *
- Cuscuta salina Engelmann - Salt Dodder, fideo *
- Cuscuta tuberculata - Desert Dodder, fideo *
- Evolvulus alsinoides - Mouse Ears *
- Ipomoea costellata, - Crest-rib Morning-glory *
- Ipomoea cristulata - Scarlet Morning-glory, Star-glory *
- Jacquemontia pringlei - Pringle's Clustervine *
- Ipomoea barbatisepala A.Gray - *
- Crassulaceae (orpine, stonecrop family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Dudleya arizonica - Gila Liveforever, Arizona Liveforever *
- Crassula connata - Pigmy-weed, Pygmy Stonecrop *
- Graptopetalum rusbyi - Echeveria
- Crossosomataceae (crossosoma family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Crossosoma bigelovii - Ragged Rock-flower *
- Cucurbitaceae (gourd family) This PHP file is 4.4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Brandegea bigelovii - Desert Star-vine *
- Cucurbita digitata - Coyote Gourd, Finger-leaf Gourd, calabachilla, chichi coyota *
- Cucurbita palmata - Desert Coyote-gourd
- Echinopepon wrightii - Wid Balsam-apple
- Marah gilensis (Greene) Greene - Big Root *
- Tumamoca macdougalii - Tumamoc Globe-berry
- Cupressaceae (cypress, cedar family) This PHP file is 4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Juniperus arizonica - Arizona Juniper, Red Berry Juniper *
- Cyperaceae (sedge family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Cyperus esculentus Linnaeus - Yellow Nutgrass, coquillo amarillo, cebollin
- Cyperus squarrosus - Dwarf Sedge
- Cyperus laevigatus - Flat Sedge
- Cyperus mutisii - Mutis Flatsedge
- Eleocharis coloradoensis - Dwarf Spikerush
- Eleocharis flavescens (Poiret) Urban v. flavescens - Yellow Spikerush
- Eleocharis rostellata - Traveling Spikerush *
- Schoenoplectus americanus - Bulrush, tule *
- Cyperus flavicomus Michaux - *
- Ephedraceae (ephedra family) This PHP file is 4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ephedra aspera Engelmann ex S. Watson - Mormon Tea, Boundary Ephedra, tepopote, canutillo *
- Ephedra trifurca - Canutillo, tepopote, long-leaved joint-fir *
- Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) This PHP file is 6.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Euphorbia albomarginata - Rattlesnake Weed, golondrina *
- Pleradenophora bilocularis (S.Watson) Esser & A.L.Melo - Arizona Jumping Bean, hierba de la flecha *
- Jatropha cuneata - Desert Limberbush, sangrengado *
- Croton sonorae - Sonora Croton, rama blanca *
- Croton wigginsii - Dune Croton *
- Argythamnia serrata (Torrey) Muller Argoviensis - New Mexico Silverbush *
- Euphorbia abramsiana - Desert Sandmat, Abrams Spurge, golondrina *
- Euphorbia eriantha - Beetle Spurge *
- Euphorbia hyssopifolia - Hyssop Spurge *
- Jatropha cardiophylla - Heart-leaf Limberbush, sangre-de-Cristo, sangrengado *
- Acalypha californica - California Copperleaf, hierba del cancer, Copperleaf *
- Argythamnia brandegeei Millspaugh var. intonsa (I.M.Johnston) J.W.Ingram - Sonoran Silverbush *
- Argythamnia lanceolata (Bentham) Muller Argoviensis - Narrowleaf Silverbush *
- Euphorbia florida - Flowery Spurge *
- Euphorbia micromera - golondrina *
- Euphorbia pediculifera var. pediculifera - Louse Spurge, golondrina *
- Euphorbia polycarpa - Desert Spurge, golondrina *
- Euphorbia setiloba - Fringed Spurge, Yuma sandmat, golondrina *
- Euphorbia spathulata - Warty Spurge
- Euphorbia trachysperma - San Pedro River Sandmat, San Pedro River Broomspurge
- Stillingia linearifolia - Stillingia *
- Jatropha cinerea - Ashy Limberbush, sangrengado *
- Tragia nepetifolia - ortoguilla, ortiga, Noseburn *
- Tetracoccus hallii - Hall's Shrubby-spurge
- Argythamnia adenophora A.Gray - Glandular Silverbush *
- Euphorbia arizonica - Arizona Spurge, golondrina *
- Euphorbia capitellata - Head Sandmat *
- Euphorbia heterophylla - Mexican Fireplant *
- Euphorbia melanadenia - golondrina *
- Euphorbia prostrata - Prostrate Spurge *
- Fabaceae (bean, mesquite, acacia, paloverde, clover, vetch family) This PHP file is 13.1
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Senegalia greggii (A.Gray) Britton & Rose - Catclaw, Wait-a-minute Bush, una de gato, gatuno *
- Calliandra eriophylla v.eriophylla - Fairy Duster, huajillo *
- Parkinsonia florida - Blue Palo Verde *
- Coursetia glandulosa - Baby Bonnets, samota *
- Dalea mollis - Silky Dalea *
- Acmispon brachycarpus - Hill Locust *
- Acmispon rigidus (Bentham) Brouillet - Desert rock-pea *
- Lupinus arizonicus - Arizona Lupine, lupino *
- Lupinus sparsiflorus - Arroyo Lupine, Coulters Lupine *
- Prosopis velutina - Velvet Mesquite, mezquite *
- Parkinsonia microphylla - Foothill Paloverde, palo verde *
- Vachellia constricta (Bentham) Seigler & Ebinger - Whitethorn Acacia *
- Olneya tesota - Ironwood, palo fierro *
- Psorothamnus spinosus - Smoke Tree, palo cenizo *
- Lupinus concinnus - Elegant Lupine *
- Psorothamnus emoryi var. emoryi - Emory indigo-bush, Emory's smokebush *
- Senna covesii - Desert Senna, daisillo, hojasen *
- Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii - Sand Locoweed *
- Astragalus nuttallianus var. imperfectus - Small-flowered milkvetch *
- Hoffmanseggia glauca (Ortega) Eifert - Hog Potato, camote de raton *
- Acmispon maritimus v.brevivexillus - Bird-foot Trefoil *
- Acmispon strigosus (Nuttall) Brouillet - Hairy lotus *
- Marina parryi - Parry Dalea, Parrys False Prairie Clover *
- Phaseolus filiformis Bentham - Slim-Jim Bean, Desert Bean *
- Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana - Western Honey Mesquite, mesquite *
- Prosopis pubescens - Screwbean Mesquite, tornillo *
- Acaciella angustissima - White-ball Acacia, Fern Acacia *
- Mimosa distachya v.laxiflora - Arizona Mimosa, garabatillo *
- Psorothamnus schottii - Indigo bush *
- Trifolium wormskioldii - Cow Clover *
- Astragalus didymocarpus v.dispermus - Dwarf White Milkvetch
- Astragalus lentiginosus - Freckled Milkvetch
- Astragalus lentiginosus v.australis - Freckled Milkvetch
- Astragalus lentiginosus v.yuccanus - Freckled Milkvetch
- Dalea pogonothera v.pogonothera - Bearded Prairie-clover
- Dalea pringlei v.pringlei - Pringles Prairie-clover
- Desmodium procumbens - Western Tickfoil *
- Galactia wrightii - Wrights Milkpea *
- Medicago polymorpha - Burclover
- Melilotus indicus - Yellow Sourclover, trebol agrio
- Nissolia schottii - Schotts Yellowhood
- Parkinsonia aculeata - Mexican Palo Verde, bagote, retama, guacapora *
- Phaseolus acutifolius v.acutifolius - Tepary, tepari del monte *
- Psorothamnus fremontii - Fremont's Dalea
- Rhynchosia texana - Texas Snout-bean *
- Tephrosia tenella A. Gray - Red Hoary-pea
- Vicia ludoviciana - Deerpea Vetch *
- Astragalus aridus - Parched Milkvetch
- Astragalus arizonicus - Arizona Milkvetch
- Dalea mollissima - Soft Prairie Clover
- Macroptilium atropurpureum - Purple Bush-bean
- Vachellia farnesiana (Linnaeus) Wight & Arnott - *
- Chamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench v. leptadenia (Greenman) Gandhi & S.L.Hatch -
- Hoffmannseggia microphylla Torrey -
- Fagaceae (beech, oak family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Quercus turbinella - Scrub oak, encinillo *
- Fouquieriaceae (ocotillo family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Fouquieria splendens ssp.splendens - Ocotillo, ocotillo *
- Gentianaceae (gentian family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Eustoma exaltatum ssp.exaltatum - Catchfly Gentian *
- Zeltnera arizonica - Arizona centaury *
- Geraniaceae (geranium family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Erodium cicutarium - Filaree, Storks-bill, Herons-bill, alfilerillo *
- Erodium texanum - False Filaree, Texas Filaree, Desert Storks-bill *
- Geranium carolinianum - Cranes Bill
- Grossulariaceae (currant, gooseberry family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ribes quercetorum - Oak Gooseberry *
- Hydrocharitaceae (waterweed family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Najas marina - Holly-leaf Water Nymph
- Iridaceae (iris family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Sisyrinchium demissum - Blue-eyed Grass
- Juncaceae (rush family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Juncus bufonius - Toad Rush
- Juncus cooperi - Coopers Rush *
- Juncus mexicanus - Mexican Rush, Wire Rush *
- Koeberliniaceae (koeberlinia family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Koeberlinia spinosa var. tenuispina - All-thorn *
- Krameriaceae (ratany family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Krameria bicolor - White Rhatany, cosahul *
- Krameria erecta - Range Rhatany, Little-leaf Rhatany, cosahul *
- Lamiaceae (mint, sage family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Condea albida (Kunth) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore - Desert Lavender, salvia *
- Scutellaria mexicana - Bladder-sage *
- Salvia columbariae - Desert Chia, chia, California Sage *
- Teucrium cubense subsp. depressum - Dwarf Germander *
- Tetraclea coulteri A. Gray - Coulter's Wrinklefruit *
- Teucrium glandulosum - Desert Germander *
- Hedeoma nana var. macrocalyx - False Pennyroyal, oregano *
- Monardella arizonica - Arizona Monardella *
- Salvia pinguifolia - Rock Sage *
- Salvia vaseyi - Scallop-leaf Sage
- Salvia mohavensis - Mojave Sage
- Agastache wrightii (Greenman) Wooton & Standley - *
- Salvia reflexa Hornemann -
- Pholisma sonorae - Sandfood, camote de los medanos *
- Liliaceae (lily family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Calochortus kennedyi - Desert Mariposa, Red Mariposa-lily, Flame Mariposa, ajo amarillo, cobena amarilla *
- Linaceae (flax family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Linum bienne Miller - Prairie Flax *
- Loasaceae (stick leaf, blazing star family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Mentzelia involucrata - Stickleaf, Silver Blazing-Star, pega pega *
- Petalonyx thurberi subsp. thurberi - Thurber Sandpaper Plant *
- Eucnide rupestris - Velcro Plant, Rock Nettle *
- Mentzelia affinis - Triangle-seed Blazing-Star, pegapega *
- Mentzelia desertorum (Davidson) H.J. Thompson & J.E. Roberts - White-stem Blazing Star *
- Mentzelia puberula - Argus Blazing Star *
- Mentzelia isolata - Isolated Blazing-star *
- Mentzelia longiloba J. Darlington v. longiloba - Blazing Star *
- Petalonyx linearis - Narrowleaf Sandpaper Plant *
- Menzelia jonesii - Jones' Blazing-star, Jones' Stickleaf
- Lythraceae (loosestrife, pomegranate family) This PHP file is 8.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Punica granatum - Pomegranate, granada *
- Malpighiaceae (malpighia family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Cottsia gracilis - fermina *
- Malvaceae (mallow family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Abutilon palmeri - Palmers Indian Mallow, Flowering Maple *
- Hibiscus coulteri - Desert Rose-mallow *
- Hibiscus denudatus Bentham - Rock Hibiscus *
- Horsfordia alata - Pink Velvet-mallow *
- Sphaeralcea ambigua ssp. ambigua - Desert Globemallow, mal de ojo *
- Horsfordia newberryi - Orange Velvet-mallow *
- Abutilon incanum - Indian Mallow, pelotazo *
- Herissantia crispa - Bladder Mallow *
- Sphaeralcea coulteri - Annual Globemallow, mal de ojo *
- Eremalche exilis - White Mallow *
- Abutilon malacum - Yellow Indian Mallow *
- Malvella leprosa - Dollarweed, Alkali Mallow *
- Sphaeralcea emoryi - Emory Globemallow, mal de ojo *
- Sphaeralcea laxa - Caliche Globemallow *
- Ayenia filiformis - Dwarf Ayenia *
- Ayenia microphylla - Shrub Ayenia
- Malvella sagittifolia - Arrow-leaf Alkali Mallow *
- Eremalche rotundifolium - Desert five-spot *
- Abutilon abutiloides - pintapan, Shrubby Indian Mallow *
- Anoda abutiloides - Indian Anoda
- Anoda pentaschista - Field Anoda *
- Hermannia pauciflora - Dwarf Burstwort
- Hibiscus biseptus - Arizona Rose-mallow *
- Malva parviflora - Cheeseweed, malva, quesitos *
- Malvastrum bicuspidatum ssp.bicuspidatum - Shrubby False Mallow *
- Rhynchosida physocalyx - Buffpetal, Bladderpod Sida *
- Sida abutifolia - Spreading Fanpetals *
- Sphaeralcea ambigua ssp. rosacea - Desert Globemallow, mal de ojo
- Marsileaceae (water-clover family) This PHP file is 4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Marsilea vestita ssp.vestita - Hairy Water-clover, Hooked Pepperwort *
- Martyniaceae (devil's claw family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Proboscidea altheaefolia - Desert Devils Claw, Desert Unicorn Plant, cuernitos, una de gato, torito *
- Proboscidea parviflora ssp.parviflora - Devils Claw, gato, cuernitos, una de gato, torito *
- Molluginaceae (carpet-weed family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Glinus radiatus (Ruiz & Pavon) Rohrbach - Damascia, Lotus Sweetjuice
- Mollugo cerviana - Thread-stem Carpet-weed, Indian Chickweed
- Montiaceae (miners lettuce, spring beauty family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Calandrinia menziesii (Hooker) Torrey & A. Gray - Fringed Redmaids *
- Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willdenow subsp. mexicana (Rydberg) J.M. Miller & K.L. Chambers - Miner's Lettuce *
- Calyptridium monandrum Nuttall - Sand-cress, Common Pussypaws *
- Phemeranthus aurantiacus - Orange Flame-flower *
- Moraceae (mulberry family) This PHP file is 6.9
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ficus carica - Fig, higuera
- Morus microphylla - Littleleaf Mulberry, mora cimarrona
- Nyctaginaceae (4-o'clock family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Abronia villosa - Sand Verbena, verbana de la arena *
- Allionia incarnata - Trailing Four-o'clock, Windmills *
- Boerhavia coccinea - Red Spiderling, Scarlet Spiderling *
- Acleisanthes longiflora - Angels Trumpets *
- Boerhavia erecta - Spiderling, juantilipin
- Boerhavia spicata Choisy v.palmeri S.Watson - Spiderling, juantilipin *
- Boerhavia wrightii - Large-bract Spiderling, juantilipin *
- Mirabilis laevis v.villosa - Desert Four o'clock, Desert Wishbone Bush *
- Boerhavia megaptera - Large-winged Spiderling
- Boerhavia pterocarpa - Wing-fruit Spiderling
- Commicarpus scandens - Climbing Wart-club *
- Mirabilis multiflora (Torrey) A.Gray - Colorado Four o'clock, *
- Mirabilis tenuiloba - Long- Four o'clock
- Boerhavia triquetra - Spiderling, juanamipili, juantilipin
- Mirabilis coccinea (Torrey) Bentham & Hooker -
- Oleaceae (olive family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Menodora scabra - Twinberry, Rough Menodora *
- Forestiera phillyreoides - Desert Olive *
- Fraxinus velutina - Velvet Ash, fresno
- Forestiera cf. pubescens Nuttall -
- Onagraceae (evening primrose family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Chylismia claviformis ssp. peirsonii - Peirson's Brown-eyed Evening Primrose *
- Chylismia claviformis ssp.peeblesii - Brown-eyed Evening Primrose, Browneyes *
- Oenothera deltoides Torrey & Fremont subsp. deltoides - Dune Evening-primrose, White Desert-primrose, Devils Lantern *
- Oenothera primiveris - Yellow Desert Evening-primrose *
- Eulobus californicus - California Suncup, Mustard Evening Primrose *
- Oenothera curtiflora - Lizard-tail, Velvet-leaf Gaura *
- Chylismia claviformis ssp.rubescens - Brown-eyed Evening Primrose, Browneyes *
- Eremothera boothii ssp.condensata - Woody Bottle-washer *
- Eremothera chamaenerioides - Willow-herb Evening Primrose *
- Oenothera arizonica - Arizona Evening Primrose *
- Chylismia brevipes - Golden Suncup *
- Chylismia arenaria - Fortuna Suncup
- Epilobium canum ssp.latifolium - California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet *
- Chylismia cardiophylla - Heartleaf Suncup *
- Chylismia claviformis ssp.yumae - Brown-eyed Evening Primrose, Browneyes
- Orobanchaceae (broomrape, Indian paintbrush family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Castilleja lanata - Desert Paintbrush, Indian Paintbush *
- Castilleja exserta ssp.exserta - Purple Owls Clover *
- Orobanche cooperi subsp. latiloba (Munz) L.T. Collins - Desert Broomrape, flor de tierra *
- Orobanche fasciculata - Yellow Broomrape *
- Oxalidaceae (oxalis family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Oxalis albicans - Wood Sorrel *
- Papaveraceae (poppy family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Eschscholtzia californica ssp. mexicana - Mexican Gold Poppy, amapolita del campo *
- Eschscholzia minutiflora - Little Gold Poppy *
- Argemone gracilenta - Prickly poppy, Cowboys Fried Eggs, cardo, Crested Pricklepoppy, Bluestem Pricklepoppy, Chicalote *
- Argemone ochroleuca ssp.ochroleuca - Mexican Prickly Poppy *
- Eschscholzia glyptosperma - Desert Gold Poppy
- Petiveriaceae This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Rivina humilis - Rouge Plant, Pigeon Berry *
- Phrymaceae (monkey-flower family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Mimulus bigelovii - Bigelow's Monkey Flower *
- Erythranthe cordata (Greene) G.L.Nesom - Seep Monkey Flower *
- Erythranthe rubella (A.Gray) N.S.Fraga - Little Monkey Flower
- Plantaginaceae (plantain, penstemon, snapdragon, speedwell family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Maurandella antirrhiniflora (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Rothmale - Blue Snapdragon Vine, Blue Twining Snapdragon *
- Penstemon parryi - Desert Penstemon, Parry Penstemon, jaritos, varita de San Jose *
- Penstemon subulatus - Arizona scarlet-bugler *
- Plantago patagonica - Plantain, pastora *
- Plantago ovata - Woolly Plantain, Indian Wheat, pastora *
- Pseudorontium cyathiferum - Desert Snapdragon
- Penstemon pseudospectabilis var. pseudospectabilis - Mojave Beard-Tongue
- Veronica peregrina subsp. xalapensis - Purslane Speedwell, Necklace-weed *
- Mohavea confertiflora - Ghost Flower *
- Nuttallanthus texanus - Texas Toadflax, Blue Toadflax *
- Neogaerrhinum filipes (A.Gray) Rothmaler - Yellow Twining Snapdragon
- Sairocarpus watsonii (Vasey & Rose) D.A.Sutton - Watsons Snapdragon
- Sairocarpus nuttallianus (Bentham) D.A. Sutton - Lesser Snapdragon
- Keckiella antirrhinoides - Bush Penstemon
- Stemodia durantifolia - Purple Stemodia
- Plantago rhodosperma - Red-seed Plantain
- Mojavea breviflora Coville - Golden desert-snapdragon *
- Plumbaginaceae (leadwort family) This PHP file is 8.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Plumbago zeylanica - Doctor-bush, estrenina *
- Poaceae (grass family) This PHP file is 13.8
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Bromus arizonicus (Shear) Stebbins - California Brome *
- Cenchrus spinifex - Field Sandbur, Common Sandbur, huizapori, guachapori *
- Chloris virgata - Feather Fingergrass, cola de zorra, zacate lagunero *
- Panicum hirticaule var. hirticaule - Mexican panicgrass *
- Sporobolus airoides - Alkali Sacaton, zacaton alcalino *
- Sporobolus cryptandrus - Sand Dropseed, zacate de arena, zacate arenero *
- Aristida adscensionis - Six-weeks Three-awn, zacate tres barbas *
- Aristida californica v.californica - Smooth California Three-awn, tres barbas de California *
- Aristida purpurea v.parishii - Parish Three-awn *
- Aristida purpurea v.nealleyi - Nealley Three-awn, tres barbas *
- Aristida ternipes v.gentilis - Poverty Three-awn, zacate arana de tres barbas *
- Aristida ternipes v.ternipes - Spider Grass, zacate arana *
- Bothriochloa barbinodis - Cane Bluestem, zacate popotillo *
- Bouteloua aristidoides - Six-weeks Needle grama, aceitilla, navajita aguja *
- Bouteloua barbata v.barbata - Six-weeks Grama, navajita, zacate liebrero *
- Bouteloua trifida - Red Grama, navajita china *
- Urochloa arizonica - Arizona Signal Grass, piojillo de Arizona *
- Bromus rubens Linnaeus - Foxtail Brome, Red Brome, bromo rojo *
- Bromus tectorum - Cheat Grass, Downy Brome *
- Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon - Bermuda Grass, zacate bermuda, zacate ingles *
- Digitaria californica v.californica - Arizona Cottontop, zacate punta blanco *
- Echinochloa colona - Junglegrass, Jungle Rice, Leopard Grass, zacate rayado, zacate pinto, zacate tigre *
- Echinochloa crus-galli - Barnyard Grass, zacate de agua, zacate de corral *
- Enneopogon desvauxii - Spike Pappus Grass, zacate lobero *
- Eragrostis cilianensis - Stinking Lovegrass, Stink Grass, zacate apestoso *
- Eragrostis lehmanniana - Lehmann Love Grass, zacate africano *
- Eriochloa aristata var. aristata - Bearded Cup Grass, zacate taza *
- Dasyochloa pulchella - Fluff Grass, zacate borreguerro *
- Heteropogon contortus - Tanglehead, zacate colorado *
- Hordeum murinum ssp.glaucum - Wild Barley, cebadilla silvestre *
- Dinebra panicea (Retzius) P.M.Peterson & N..Snow ssp.brachiata (Stuedel) P.M. Peterson & N.Snow - Red Sprangletop, zacate salado, desparramo rojo *
- Dinebra viscida (Scribner) P.M.Peterson & N.Snow - Sticky Sprangletop, zacate salado pegajoso *
- Muhlenbergia microsperma - Little-seed Muhly, liendrilla chica *
- Muhlenbergia porteri - Bush Muhly, zacate aparejo *
- Panicum alatum var. alatum - Panicum
- Cenchrus ciliaris - Buffelgrass, zacate buffel *
- Cenchrus setaceus - Fountain Grass *
- Phalaris minor - Little-seed Canary Grass, alpistillo, alpiste silvestre *
- Hilaria rigida - Big Galleta, galleta grande, tobosa *
- Poa bigelovii - Bigelow Blue Grass, zacate azul annual *
- Schismus arabicus - Arabian Grass *
- Schismus barbatus - Mediterranean Grass *
- Setaria macrostachya - White-haired Bristlegrass, Plains Bristlegrass, zacate tempranero *
- Sorghum halepense - Johnson Grass, zacate johnson *
- Tridentopsis mutica (Torrey) P.M. Peterson var. mutica - Slim Tridens *
- Festuca octoflora - Sixweeks Fescue, Eight-flowered Fescue, fescua *
- Bouteloua curtipendula - Side-oats Grama, banderilla *
- Aristida californica v.glabrata - Smooth California Three-awn, tres barbas de California
- Avena fatua - Wild Oats
- Bouteloua barbata v.rothrockii - Rothrock Grama, zacate liebrero *
- Bouteloua repens - Slender Grama, navajita delgada *
- Cottea pappophoroides - Cotta Grass, zacate papo *
- Dactyloctenium aegyptium - Crowfoot Grass, zacate de cuervo
- Distichlis spicata - Salt Grass, zacate salado *
- Elymus elymoides - Bottlebush Squirreltail
- Enneopogon cenchroides - Soft-feather Pappus Grass *
- Eragrostis barrelieri - Mediterranean Love Grass
- Eragrostis intermedia - Plains Love Grass *
- Eragrostis pectinacea - Carolina Love Grass
- Eriochloa acuminata - Southwestern Cup Grass, zacate taza *
- Festuca microstachys - Small Fescue
- Hilaria belangeri - Curly Mesquite, zacate chino *
- Hopia obtusa - Vine Mesquite, zacate de quia *
- Disakisperma dubium (Kunth) P.M.Peterson & N.Snow - Green Sprangletop *
- Diplachne fusca (Linnaeus) P.Beauvois es Roemer & Schultz ssp.uninervia (J.Presl) P.M.Peterson & N.Snow - Mexican Sprangletop *
- Melica frutescens - Woody frutescens
- Muhlenbergia phleoides (Kunth) Columbus - Bristly Wolftail
- Muhlenbergia appressa - Devils Canyon Muhly
- Muhlenbergia dumosa - Bamboo Muhly, carricillo, otatillo *
- Muhlenbergia emersleyi - Bullgrass, Bull Muhly, zacate de toro *
- Muhlenbergia fragilis - Delicate Muhly *
- Muhlenbergia rigens - Deer Grass, zacate del venaa *
- Muhlenbergia tenuifolia - Slender Muhly *
- Panicum antidotale - Giant Panic Grass, Blue Panic Grass, panizo azul *
- Panicum hallii - Halls Witch Grass
- Pappophorum vaginatum - Pappus Grass *
- Phalaris caroliniana - Carolina Canary Grass, alpistillo
- Phragmites australis ssp.berlandieri - Common Reed, Reed Grass, carrizo
- Poa annua - Annual Bluegrass, Winter Grass, pastito de invierno *
- Polypogon monspeliensis - Rabbitfoot Grass, Annual Beard Grass, zacate cola de zorra *
- Polypogon viridis - Water Bent Grass, Water Beard Grass *
- Setaria grisebachii - Grisebachs Bristle Grass, zacate cola de zorra
- Setaria liebmannii - Liebmans Bristle Grass, zacate cola de zorra *
- Sporobolus flexuosus - Mesa Dropseed *
- Sporobolus pyramidatus - Whorled Dropseed
- Leptocholoa crinita (Lagasca) P.M.Peterson & N.Snow - Feather Finger Grass *
- Tridentopsis eragrostoides (Vasey & Scribner) P.M.Peterson - Lovegrass Tridens
- Triticum aestivum - Wheat, trigo *
- Cenchrus echinatus - Southern Sandbur, guachapori
- Hilaria mutica - tobosa
- Hordeum pusillum - Little Barley
- Bromus catharticus v.catharticus - Rescue Brome, bromo cebadillo
- Cenchrus palmeri S.Watson - *
- Polemoniaceae (phlox, gilia family) This PHP file is 2
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Eriastrum diffusum - Miniature Woolly-star *
- Gilia stellata - Star Gilia *
- Langloisia setosissimum - Bristly Calico *
- Aliciella latifolia ssp.latifolia - Broad-leaf Gilia *
- Linanthus bigelovii (A.Gray) Greene - Bigelows Desert-trumpet *
- Phlox tenuifolia - Mountain Phlox *
- Linanthus demissus - Desert Snow *
- Eriastrum eremicum ssp.yageri - Desert Woolly-star *
- Gilia flavocincta ssp.australis - Lesser Yellowthroat Gilia
- Ipomopsis multiflora - Many-flowered Gilia *
- Leptosiphon chrysanthus J.M. Porter & R. Patterson subsp. chrysanthus [ - Golden Desert-trumpets *
- Linanthus cf. bigelovii x jonesii (possible hybrid) - Bigelows Desert-trumpet
- Linanthus jonesii (A.Gray) Greene - Jones Desert-trumpet *
- Loeseliastrum schottii - Schotts Calico *
- Linanthus maricopensis J.M. Porter & R. Patterson - Evening Snow
- Polygalaceae (milkwort family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Hebecarpa macradenia (A. Gray) J.R. Abbott - Gland-leaf Milkwort *
- Polygonaceae (buckwheat, knotweed family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Chorizanthe rigida - Rigid Spineflower, Rigid spinyherb, Devils Spineflower *
- Eriogonum fasciculatum v.polifolium - Flat-top Buckwheat *
- Eriogonum deflexum v.deflexum - Skeleton Weed *
- Chorizanthe brevicornu ssp.brevicornu - Brittle Spineflower, Short-horn Spineflower *
- Chorizanthe corrugata - Wrinkled Spineflower *
- Eriogonum inflatum - Desert Trumpet, Bladder Stem, guinagua *
- Eriogonum thomasii - Thomas Wild Buckwheat *
- Eriogonum thurberi - Bastard Sage
- Eriogonum trichopes - Little Desert Trumpet *
- Eriogonum wrightii v.nodosum - Wright buckwheat *
- Nemacaulis denudata var. gracilis - Woolly Heads *
- Polygonum argyrocoleon - Silver-sheath Knotweed
- Eriogonum abertianum - Abert's Wild Buckwheat *
- Eriogonum maculatum - Spotted Wild Buckwheat
- Pterostegia drymarioides - Woodland Threadstem *
- Rumex hymenosepalus - Sand Dock, Wild-rhubarb, canaigre *
- Eriogonum deserticola - Giant Dune Buckwheat *
- Portulacaceae (purslane family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Portulaca halimoides - Silk-cotton Purslane *
- Portulaca oleracea - Purslane, verdolaga *
- Portulaca suffrutescens - Shrubby Purslane *
- Portulaca umbraticola Kunth - Winged Purslane *
- Potamogetonaceae (pondweed family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Stuckenia pectinata - Sago Pondweed
- Zannichellia palustris Linnaeus - Horned Pondweed
- Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus -
- Primulaceae (primrose family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Anagallis arvensis ssp.arvensis - Scarlet Pimpernell
- Androsace occidentalis - Western Rock-jasmine *
- Pteridaceae (brake, maidenhair fern family) This PHP file is 4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Astrolepis cochisensis (Goodding) D.M.Benham & Windham - Scaly Cloak Fern *
- Cheilanthes parryi (D.C.Eaton) Domin - Parry's Lip Fern *
- Notholaena californica D.C.Eaton ssp.californica - Indian Fern, California Cloak Fern *
- Notholaena standleyi Maxon - Star Cloak Fern *
- Astrolepis sinuata (Lagasca ex Swartz) D.M.Benham & Windham ssp. Sinuata - Wavy Star-scaled Cloak Fern *
- Pellaea truncata Goodding - Spiny Cliff-brake *
- Argyrochosma limitanea ssp.limitanea - Southwestern False Cloak-fern *
- Bommeria hispida (Mettenius ex Kuhn) Underwood - Hairy Bommeria
- Cheilanthes villosa Davenport ex Maxon - Hairy Lip Fern
- Cheilanthes wrightii Hooker - Wrights Lip Fern *
- Cheilanthes yavapensis T. Reeves ex Windham - Yavapai Lip Fern *
- Pentagramma triangularis (Kaulfuss) Yatskievych et al. v.maxonii (Weatherby) Yatskievych et al. - Goldback Fern *
- Cheilanthes lindheimeri (Hooker) - Fairy Swords *
- Ranunculaceae (ranunculus, buttercup family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Delphinium scaposum - Bare-stem Larkspur, espulita cimarrona *
- Clematis drummondii - Texas Virgin-bower, barba de chivato *
- Anemone tuberosa - Desert Windflower *
- Myosurus cupulatus - Mousetail
- Myosurus minimus - Dwarf Mousetail *
- Thalictrum fendleri Engelmann ex Gray - Fendler's meadow rue
- Resedaceae (mignonette family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Oligomeris linifolia - Desert Cambess, Slender-leaf Cambess *
- Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ziziphus obtusifolia var. canescens - White Crucillo, Graythorn, abrojo *
- Condalia globosa v.pubescens - Bitter Condalia, crucillo *
- Condalia warnockii - Mexican crucillo *
- Colubrina californica - California snake bush, snakewood *
- Rhamnus crocea - Holly-leaf Buckthorn, Red-berry Buckthorn *
- Frangula betulifolia (Greene) Grubov - Birchleaf Buckthorn, salicieso
- Rosaceae (rose family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Vauquelinia californica ssp.sonorensis - Arizona Rosewood, Sonoran Rosewood *
- Rubiaceae (madder, bedstraw family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Galium stellatum - Starry Bedstraw *
- Galium aparine - Stickywilly, Goose-grass Bedstraw *
- Galium microphyllum - Bract-leaf Bedstraw
- Ruppiaceae (ditch-grass family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Ruppia cirrhosa - Ditch Grass
- Rutaceae (citrus family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Thamnosma montana - Turpentine-broom *
- Ptelea trifoliata - Three-leaf Hoptree *
- Salicaceae (willow, poplar family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Salix gooddingii - Goodding's Willow, sauce, sauz *
- Populus fremontii ssp.fremontii - Fremont Cottonwood *
- Santalaceae (sandalwood, mistletoe family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Phoradendron californicum - Desert Mistletoe, toji *
- Sapindaceae (soapberry family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Dodonaea viscosa v.angustifolia - Hopbush, torachico *
- Sapindus drummondii - Soapberry, jaboncillo, amolillo *
- Saururaceae (lizard-tail family) This PHP file is 0.982
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Anemopsis californica - Yerba mansa, hierba del manso *
- Selaginellaceae (spike-moss family) This PHP file is 4
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Selaginella arizonica - Arizona Spike-moss, flor de piedra *
- Selaginella eremophila - Desert Spike-moss, flor de piedra
- Simaroubaceae (quassia family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Castela emoryi - Crucifixion-thorn, corona de cristo *
- Simmondsiaceae (jojoba family) This PHP file is 13.7
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Simmondsia chinensis - Jojoba, Goat-nut, jojoba *
- Solanaceae (nightshade, wolfberry, tomato family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Lycium fremontii v.fremontii - Fremont Wolfberry, salicieso *
- Lycium parishii - Parish Wolfberry, salicieso *
- Quincula lobata (Torrey) Rafinesque - Hairy Ground-cherry *
- Physalis versicolor - Desert Ground-cherry, tomatillo del desierto *
- Lycium berlandieri Dunal var.longistylum C.L. Hitchcock - Wolfberry, bachata, salicieso *
- Chamaesaracha coronopus - False Nightshade, Small Groundcherry, Green-leaf Five-eyes *
- Solanum eleagnifolium - Silver-leaf nightshade, white horse-nettle
- Lycium andersonii v.andersonii - Desert Wolfberry, salicieso *
- Lycium macrodon A.gray v. macrodon - Desert thorn, wolfberry *
- Nicotiana clevelandii - Desert Tobacco, tobaquillo del coyote *
- Nicotiana obtusifolia - Desert Tobacco, tobaco del coyote, Coyote tobacco *
- Datura discolor Bernhardi - Desert Datura, Sacred Datura, Thornapple, Western Jimson *
- Capsicum annuum v.glabriusculum - Chiltepin, chiltepin
- Lycium californicum v.californicum - California Desert-thorn *
- Lycium exsertum A. Gray - Arizona Desert-thorn *
- Nicotiana glauca v.glauca - Tree Tobacco *
- Physalis acutifolia - Sharpleaf Ground-cherry
- Solanum americanum - Black Nightshade, chichiquelite
- Solanum nigrescens M. Martens & Galeotti - Douglas Nightshade
- Solanum hindsianum - mala mujer, tomatillo espinosa *
- Solanum umbelliferum Eschscholtz - Purple Nightshade
- Calibrachoa parviflora (de Jussieu) D'Arcy - Petunia
- Talinaceae (talinum family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Talinum paniculatum - Pink Babys-breath, Jewels of Opar *
- Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Tamarix chinensis - Saltcedar, Tamarisk, salado, pino salado *
- Tamarix aphylla - Saltcedar, pino salado *
- Typhaceae (cattail family) This PHP file is 4.6
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Typha domingensis - Southern Cattail *
- Urticaceae (nettle family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Parietaria hespera v.hespera - Desert Pellitory *
- Urtica gracilenta Greene - Mountain nettle
- Verbenaceae (verbena, vervain family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Aloysia wrightii - oreganillo *
- Verbena bracteata - Prostrate Vervain, Big-bract Verbena
- Glandularia gooddingii - Goodding's Vervain, Desert Verbena *
- Verbena menthifolia - Mint Vervain
- Verbena xylopoda - Hillside Vervain, Arizona vervain *
- Glandularia latiloba (L.M.Perry) G.L.Nesom - Prairie Verbena, Dakota Mock Vervain
- Lantana camara - Lantana, confiturilla negra
- Verbena officinalis - Common Vervain, Common Verbena
- Zygophyllaceae (caltrop family) This PHP file is 7.5
MB and will open in a new tab.
- Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Mocino ex de Candolle) Coville var. tridentata - Creosote Bush, hediondilla, gobernadora *
- Fagonia laevis Standley - California Fagonia *
- Fagonia longipes Standley - California Fagonia *
- Fagonia pachyacantha - Sticky fagonbush *
- Kallstroemia californica - California Caltrop, mal de ojo, baiburin *
- Kallstroemia grandiflora - Orange Caltrop, baiborin, mal de ojo, Summer Poppy *
- Tribulus terrestris Linnaeus - Puncture Vine, Goathead, torito, toboso, Caltrop *
The scope of this page is to provide links to information and images of most or all of the plant species native to the Sonoran Desert of southwestern Arizona. Currently, not all the species in this region are on the list, but more will be added from time to time. Information and images for species already on the list are continually being added and updated. Because of this, be sure to check back occasionally.
The plant identification page and the plant images are meant to be only a first step in the identification process. In spite of our best efforts, it is not possible to insure that 100% accuracy in identifying unknown plants can be obtained by using search keys and photographs. When it is of critical importance to be absolutely sure of the identification of a plant, a specimen must be examined by a professional botanist and verified at a recognized herbarium.
* Specie page has photos.
Questions and comments are encouraged. If you have any of these or are in disagreement with any information or images being presented, please contact us at, content_mgr@cabezaprieta.org
Feedback is necessary to enable us to correct incorrect information and to further fine-tune the identification process.
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