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Cabeza Prieta Natural History Association



Shindig 2016 Photo Show Winners

Amazing! Fabulous! And other words of praise were heard in the Gallery Hall during the 2016 "Celebrating the Sonoran Desert" Photo Show. Almost a hundred photographs, the work of some twenty-seven photographers, really gave show goers something to rave about. More than twice as many viewers voted their choices in this year's show compared to past shows, noted Lani Lockwood, the show coordinator. This was most likely, she thinks, because the show opened two weeks earlier than it usually does. The show, which is sponsored by the Cabeza Prieta Natural History Association, has prevously been open for just the one day of the Sonoran Shindig.

Index of Shindig Photo Shows

Copyright Creative Commons

HTML & Programing by
Thomas R. Powell


Natural History of the Sonoran Desert and Refuge




