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Cabeza Prieta Natural History Association
Sonoran Desert Reptiles
Bufo punctatus (Red-spotted toad)



 Red-spotted toad

 Red-spotted toad

 Red-spotted toad

Diet: insects
Size: 1½" to 3"

Small with a flattened head and body and round parotoids, each about the same size as toad’s eye. Snout pointed. Cranial crests weak or absent. Light gray, olive, or reddish brown above, with reddish or orange warts. Whitish to buff below, with or without spotting. Voice: A prolonged, clear musical trill, less rapid and clearer than the Green Toad’s lasting 4 - 10 seconds. Pitch high, often nearly constant but occasionally dropping toward the end.


Excerpts from A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS, 3/e by Robert C. Stebbins. Copyright (c) 2003 by Robert C. Stebbins. Reproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Photo Credits:
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3





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Natural History of the Sonoran Desert and Refuge




