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Cabeza Prieta Natural History Association
Sonoran Desert Reptiles
Sceloporus clarkii (Clark's spiny lizard)



 Clark's spiny lizard

 Clark's spiny lizard

 Clark's spiny lizard

Diet: insectivorous
Size: 2½" to 5¼" from nose to vent (6 to 14 cm)

Identification: 2 7/8 - 5 3/5 in. (7.3-14.2 cm). A large, often wary lizard, usually glimpsed as it scrambles to opposite side of a limb or tree trunk. Gary, bluish green, or blue above, with dusky or black bands on wrists and forearms. Black shoulder mark. Irregularly crossbanded with dark and light markings, which may become faint or disappear, especially in old males. Projecting spine-tipped scales on body. Incomplete supraorbital semicircles. Usually 3 ear scales (auriculars). Young: Crossbands on body and tail. Male: Enlarge postanals and swollen tail base. Throat patch and sided of belly blue. Female.: Blue markings usually weak or absent. Eats insects (such as grasshoppers, beetles, ants, wasps, caterpillars), spiders, and occasionally leaves, buds, and flowers.


Excerpts from A FIELD GUIDE TO WESTERN REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS, 3/e by Robert C. Stebbins. Copyright (c) 2003 by Robert C. Stebbins. Reproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Natural History of the Sonoran Desert and Refuge




